Page:Great Neapolitan Earthquake of 1857 Vol 2.djvu/236

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resident of Basilicata, and contains some interesting facts, though full of gross flattery as to the imaginary acts of paternal solicitude and beneficence of the late tyranny. No. 2 is a translation of the second part of the Report, of Professors Palmieri and Scacchi, on the earthquake in Basiicata of August, 1851, the analogies of which, with that described in the present Report, it is desirable to study; and No. 3 is a translation of all the meagre notices that are to be found of the events of this earthquake, in the successive numbers of the 'Giornale Reale,' the only newspaper in the years 1856-57 of Naples; many of the statements therein are very unreliable. I have omitted all notices of the "Royal Benevolence," &c., which, however impotent, were well paraded on the occasion, and limited the translation, to the statements made of the physical facts.