Page:Great Neapolitan Earthquake of 1857 Vol 2.djvu/240

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Tito, Marsico, Paterno, Calvello, Viggiano, Brienza, Tramutola, S. Angelo le Fratte, Saponara, Guardia, and especially Montemurro, where upwards of 5000 perished, cannot be passed over in silence. Many were disinterred alive, but, for the most part, bruised and mutilated, and some even after eight days. The cries of many others were heard, who perished beneath the ruins, time and labour being insufficient to excavate them; and it may easily be believed that this miserable fate was not confined to the inhabitants of Montemurro. After the enumerated communes of this district, the communes of Castelsaraceno, Santarchangelo, Sarconi, and Carbone in the province of Lagonegro take rank with regard to extent of injury and number of deaths. The provident and indefatigable Intendente appointed commissioners of various kinds in Potenza, and in every commune, to arrange all affairs and relieve distress; he despatched the Secretary, General Cavalier Sanfelice, Counsellor Arillo, engineers, and physicians, to the most afflicted communes, and arranging everything in the capital, which demanded the largest share of attention, he sent everywhere, even to Melfi, for planks and beams, and a staff of workmen, to aid in building the sheds, and pulling down the falling walls. Afterwards he went himself to the desolated regions, in order to carry out, even at the risk of his own life, the rest of his benevolent plans, leaving Counsellor Cassillo in Potenza as his delegate and representative. However, it is needless to mention the many judicious expedients to which he had recourse in order to revive the public administration, trade, and social life; but we must not omit a circumstance which occurred on the evening of the 18th. Some prisoners who had either conspired to escape or were seized with an instantaneous determination to try, fell upon one of the tumkeys, who had entered their room on his usual visit of inspection: a companion hastening to the spot gave the alarm, and the attempt was immediately quelled by the prompt measures taken by the Counsellor of the Supreme Court of Justice and the Royal Attorney-GeneraL A large concourse of people assembled to assist the military authorities, and the public force. The next day, after due deliberation with the Commissioners of Police, the heads of the sedition were exemplarily, but humanely punished.
