Page:Great Neapolitan Earthquake of 1857 Vol 2.djvu/246

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facts, worthy of attention, especially mirrors and glass vessels being carried to a distance, without being broken. If these facts cannot be attributed to the violence of the oscillations, I maintain that they are the effect of a whirlwind {tromba aerea), a mysterious phenomenon to modern natural philosophers. Tito is known to possess sulphureous and ferruginous mineral springs, besides one, which from its colour is called white, but has not yet been analyzed. These, like other springs, were dried up for a short time, but are now flowing very copiously, but muddily, and the sulphureous springs are tepid, and leave more sediment They also give off a very strong smell to a great distance. From the mountain called Peschi, situated at the side of the small crater, from which the waters issue, blocks of macigno have been precipitated into the stream; deep fissures have opened through the country; and towards Satriano, in a place called Rammotta, the earth fell in about the height of a man, and flames were observed to issue from it. That night slight shocks were repeated in Tito, upwards of twenty times. The manufactory (i.e., of tobacco) was destroyed. The number of victims has been estimated at 280. Some strange and miserable cases occurred in this commune. One Nicola Manzione, precipitated from a third story into a cellar, with his relatives, who were all killed, succeeded in kindling a part of his dress, by means of a lucifer match, and perceiving some straw, lighted a fire, found bread and wine, and after three days was disinterred alive. One Nicola Spern was found suspended between two cross beams, holding in his arms his dead wife, and supporting his dying son on his shoulder. They were removed, but did not survive. A woman, named Arcangiola Buena, was found dead amid the ruins, with her little children safe between her knees. A painter desirous of depicting maternal love, might profitably select this example. There are other deplorable cases of entire families being burnt, of a father who, being thrown on his son, and unable to extricate himself from the heap of ruins above him, crushed him to death. The wretched father, though bruised and mutilated, still lives. A phenomenon similar to that at Bella was observed in Viggiano, some days before the earthquake. The family of Spolidero saw, during the night, so strong a light in their rooms, that they could