Page:Great Neapolitan Earthquake of 1857 Vol 2.djvu/274

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No. (3.)

Translations of all Notices of the Earthquake of 16th December, 1857, and of those occurring soon after, which are to be found in the several Numbers whose dates are given, of the "Giornale del Regno delle Due Sicilie." Published at Naples.

No. 35.Naples, 17th December.

Last night about ten minutes past ten o'clock this city was visited by two severe shocks of earthquake, a brief interval occurring between them. God be praised, we have sustained no injury. Terror urged the greater portion of the population to assemble in open places, but there was no disturbance of public order. We have received the same account from Caserta, Nola, Aversa, Pozzuoli, Salerno, and Avellino, in which places, except the alarm of the inhabitants, we have no disasters to deplore, nor have we heard of any breach of order.

As to the Principato Citeriore, Eboli and Campagna experienced the shocks with greater intensity, and a house has been knocked down in the latter, but no personal injuries are reported. The telegram from Salerno adds that no answers have been received from Sala, Lagonegro, or the Calabrias, notwithstanding the repeated inquiries from that station. But whatever may be the cause of this interruption we have learned that even in Paola the shocks were felt and were harmless. In Castellammare two persons of the lower order escaping by a ladder from an apartment where they were sleeping with others, fell, and received some slight injuries. The telegraphic despatch is here interrupted.