Page:Great Neapolitan Earthquake of 1857 Vol 2.djvu/276

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that two shocks were felt in the city of Bari, and but one, and that harmless, in Campobasso. The telegram from Bari is incomplete. It runs thus: "The greater part of the inhabitants are———" The passengers who arrived this morning in the "Duke of Calabria" assure us that the earthquake was felt in Calabria, but no injury sustained. We rejoice to add that this holds good of Cosenza and all Calabria Citeriore.

December 19.—The despatch from Bari this morning informs us that the two shocks of earthquake caused no other damage but the injury of the police barrack, and the terror which makes the greater portion of the inhabitants spend the night in the open air. From Foggia Trani, Manfredonia, and Lucera, we have the same comforting assurances.

To the sad details of the deplorable disasters which have occurred in the district of Sala, we add those which have arrived of a less serious nature from the district of Campagua. Ricigliano appears to have suffered the most, for two deaths are reported, besides the fall of ten poor houses, from the ruins of which five or six persons were saved. Two more were saved in S. Gregorio and two in Buccino. In Caposele a man had his leg broken, and a child in Senarchia met with a similar accident. In many other communes of the district, injured buildings and churches are reported, and in S. Gregorio the cupola of the choir fell in. The return of the earthquake is everywhere dreaded. A second despatch from Potenza informs us that the telegraph is adjusted; shocks are still felt there, but less frequent and less hurtful. The injuries are very serious.

We have just heard that two harmless shocks of earthquake were felt in Salerno this morning, one at six and the other at ten A.M.

We had written so far when the details of the sad disasters which have befallen the unhappy city of Potenza, where no house is uninjured, arrived. The palaces of the Intendant and the tribunals, the civil and military hospital, the quarters of the gendarmerie, the college, the churches, the cathedral have received such injuries as render them totally unsafe. All were employed up to the date of the official report, the 17th instant, in exca-