Page:Great Neapolitan Earthquake of 1857 Vol 2.djvu/284

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S. Arsenio.—A few houses destroyed; two persons have perished.

Ottati.—Very slight injuries to almost all the houses.

Nocera, inferiore and superiore.—Many houses falling, also the churches. No death.

Pagani.—Scarcely perceptible damage done.

S. Giorgio, Siano and Bracigliano.—Considerable injury to the churches and houses.

Amalfi, Vietri, and S. Valentino.—Uninjured.

Pertosa.—Seventy bodies have been disinterred, and it is believed the victims amount to 300. Forty have been taken out alive from the ruins.

Sacco and Piagine Lottane.—Escaped with the fall of a wall or two.

Laurino.—In the mountain of Vesalo, four miles from the town, a large boulder (macigno) fell and killed a man who was asleep in a rick and injured his companion severely.

Torreorsaja.—The walls of two houses fell, also a portion of the belfry.

Mojo.—The roof of a house fell, carrying away part of a room and a child who escaped uninjured.

Borgo.—Village of S. John at Piro. The roof of the recently built parish church fell. The walls are standing, but are all split.

No. 284.Naples, 28th December.

The consoling news of the safety of the inhabitants of the Capitana has been confirmed. The public and private buildings only have been injured.

The communes of Cagnano, Montesantangelo, Casaltrinita, Pietra, Sesina, and Viesti have only suffered from the terror of the double shock. In Reali Saline no house is demolished, but many are injured.

In Orta, also, the royal parish church and that of the Purgatorio are injured.

As to the province of Bari; in Trani, the house of the Procurator-general is injured. In Gioja, the (Tempio di Patronato Communale) Church of the Patron Saint, the Church of the Franciscans, and that of the Purgatorio are injured; the roof of the latter is much