Page:Great Neapolitan Earthquake of 1857 Vol 2.djvu/458

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Focus, first indications of the, i. 316; depth of, of earthquake, first approximate calculation of the, ii. 45; mean and extreme depth of, below the surface, ii. 248.
Fondi, clock at, ii. 153; immunity of place from injury attributed to the 'abundance of springs,' ii. 153.
Force, hypogeal, nature of, ii. 383.
Forces, oblique, i. 133.
Forces, effects of, in regular bodies, i. 20, 21.
Forms and areas of the meizoseismal and isoseismal curves, and the position of the seismic vertical therein, ii. 252; conditions affecting, ii. 258.
Formulæ of bodies overturned or fractured, i. 124—148; referring to Cap. D., i. 155.
Fractures, in rectangular buildings as evidences of wave-path, i. 33; and velocity, relation of, i. 43; usually follow joints, i. 44; in rectangular buildings—subnormal shock, i. 52; remarks on direction of, i. 52; relations of, at opposite ends, i. 57; rectangular buildings, abnormal shock, i. 59; in rectangular buildings, abnormal shock, i. 59; direction of, in rectangular buildings by sub-abnormal shock, i. 65; over windows, i. 117; at base, normal wave, i. 140; overturning and projection, i. 148; tables of coefficients for, i. 149—154; in walls occur at joints, i. 150; of beds, of hard rock, first example of, i. 405.

Garigliano, great basin plain, of volcanic filling, ii. 152.
Geology, physical, investigation of earthquake phenomena, probably one of the most fruitful applications of mathematics to, i. 9.
Geology, its features in the country shaken, i. 161; of kingdom of Naples very little known, i. 166; of the Pass near Lago Maorno, i. 403; section over the pass, i. 403.
'Giornale del Regno dello due Sicilie,' translation of all the notices in, respecting earthquake of Dec. 16, 1857, ii. 213—230.

Gravity acting with vertical shock, remarks on, i. 79; centre of, within and without the base, i. 135.
Gravina's, Due di, taberna, ii. 126.
Grellier, Monsieur, photographs of more important points of earthquake country produced by, ii. 148.
Ground, effects of form of the, i. 101.
Giuscuardi, Signor, services rendered by, i. 4; ii. 386; account by, of the earthquake, i. 211.

Haughton, Rev. Samuel, F.R.S., equations furnished by, i. 9; ii. 386.
Heat, hypogeal, producing greatest shock, ii. 315.
Historic confirmations of earthquakes, ii. 174.
History of the Melfi earthquake, August 14, 1841, translation of report of Palmieri and Scacchi on the, ii. 197—212.
Hoar-frost, unusual form of, ii. 80.
Humboldt, remarks on observation of, that in South America the tendency of earthquake is continually to enlarge its circle of action round a given focus, ii. 155.
Hypogeal force, nature of, ii. 383.
Hypogeal temperature, deductions from assumed increase, ii. 313.
Hypsometric determinations by barometer at various places, i. 259.
Hypsometric elevations about Auletta, i. 258.

Inclined beds, relation to conformable, ii. 263.
Intersection, angle of, i. 387.
Isoseismals, references to, on maps, ii. 253; forms of the, ii. 254; areas of, ii. 255; of great shocks compared, ii. 256; application to the actual form of the, ii. 273; actual causes of distortion of the, ii. 275; causes of their great extension towards the south-east, ii. 277. Italy, Southern, structure of buildings in, i. 26, 27; general appearance of the
