Page:Great Neapolitan Earthquake of 1857 Vol 2.djvu/465

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121; of seoondary importance as respects seismometry viewed as a branch of physical geology, i. 123; deduced, ii. 325, 326, 329, 334; Schmidt and Noggerath's calculations and results, i. 324—334.

Transverse shake, a minor, evidence of, at Arena Bianca, i. 401.
Trigonometric solution, advantage of, i. 69.
Trinita, Chiesa della, a mile south of La Sala, injury done to, i. 349.
Troglodytes, Prince Doria's, ii. 86.
Tufa over limestones, i. 170.
Tufa, remarkable erosion of the, on Monte Vulture, ii. 96.
Turbidity of rivers, ii. 36.
Turno and Landro, Valleys of the, ii. 36.
Twisting strains not "vorticosi," i. 78.
Twisting and tilting of objects at the Certosa, near Padula, i. 377.

Val di Diano, general aspect of, i. 165.
Valleys, connection ol, i. 171.
Valva, state of, ii. 142; magnetic declination at, ii. 142; ancient fissures at, ii. 143.
Vasento, source of the, ii. 57.
Vaulted roofs, i. 113.
Vaulting, cylindric, i. 114.
Velocities of transit, of particle, i. 12.
Velocity and fracture, relation of, i. 43.
Velocity, transit, of the wave form, i. 121; angle of, obtained, i. 157; geometrically, i. 158; of projectile may be less than wave, i. 159; of translation of the wave of shock through the limestone country near Padula, calculated, i. 384; of first shock deduced from ball of Campanile (the Certosa), i. 389; greatest, of rending rock; ii. 296; of transit of the wave, ii. 322.
Velocity, transit, deduced, ii. 325, 326, 329, 334.
Velocity, proper, of the wave of shock, ii. 335.
Velocity of oscillation of Saponara Colline approximated, ii. 338.
Velocity found compared with sensation, ii. 346.

Vertical, seismic, superficial position of the, ii. 235; postion of the, in tbe meizoseismal and isoseismal curves, ii. 252.
Vesuvius, examination of the courses of several ancient and recent lava currents, ii. 149.
Vesuvius crater, actual heat of, ii. 314.
Vibrating particle, movements of the, i. 76.
Vietri, effects of shock at, in the highest degree complicated, i. 232.
Vietri di Potenza, situation of, ii. 37; monument at, ii. 39; emergence and direction fixed for, ii. 40; house of Signor Pescarosa, ii. 42; Communal Campanile, ii. 43; bells of the campanile, ii. 43; great steepness of emergence of wave at, ii. 44; shock severely felt at, ii. 46; sounds at, ii. 46; calculation of moment of shock at, ii. 47; no confirmation as to light on night of the shock, ii. 48.
Viggiano, position of, ii. 13; free from contact of other hills, ii. 13; severe suffering at, ii. 13; great landslip near, ii. 15.
Volcanic lakes near Oliveto, ii. 144.
"Voragines" near Bella, proved to be landslips, ii. 130.
Vulture, Monte, view of, near Rionero, ii. 92; a ride round, ii. 96; rain torrents descending fix>m, ii. 96; impressive forest scenery of, ii. 98; descent of, into the once innermost bowl of a volcano, now full of every leafy beauty, ii. 98.
Vulture district, volcanic phenomena developed in the, on a scale of grandeur to which Vesuvius is insignificant, ii. 117.

Walls, opposite, effects produced on, i. 50, 51; line of pressure in, i. 55; overthrown by force of an abnormal wave, observations on, i. 63; effects of apertures in, i. 116; effects of the three classes of, i. 103.
Wave, resilience conspiring with, i. 107.
