in his presence. His eye and heart are upon them, from the one end of the year till the other end of the year. It imports also, that his gracious presence was with them in their work and warfare. Without him they could do nothing; but he made their shoes iron and brass, and as their day was, so is their strength: His Spirit excited and directed their zeal against the sins and errors of the times. His promise supported their hearts in the difficulties of their profession. His providence opened a door for action to them in their several stations and places: Without him, they would have fallen before the prisoners, and bowed down under the slain, (Isa. x. 4.) but by his assistance they ran through a troop, and by their God they leaped over a wall:—out of weakness were made strong; waxed valiant in fight, and turned to flight the armies of the aliens. It may also imply, that he gave testimonies to their sincerity in his service: Besides a consciousness of his approbation, or the testimony of their consciences, they enjoyed the satisfaction of seeing the work prospering in their hands. Whatever Hezekiah undertook in the work of God, he did it with all his heart and prospered, (2 Chron. xxx. 21.) Hypocrites may, in the mysterious providence of God, be useful in the church; but God carries on his work generally by right hearted men, men who really rejoice in the prosperity of religion, and who are deeply afflicted when it is interrupted, men whose hearts are in alliance with heaven, and have common friends, and common enemies with God The Holy Ghost is sent to carry on the work of Christ in the church, and not to exalt worms into importance, by enabling them to claim a share of the honours which belong to him.
2. These words may imply, that Christ will publicly acknowledge them in the day of judgment, as his disciples, his friends, and faithful witnesses.