Page:Greek Buildings Represented by Fragments in the British Museum (1908).djvu/104

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88 THE PARTHENON AND ITS SCULPTURES. temple of .^Egina were all painted, and the attributes were of bronze and lead." * At .^gina the scheme of colouring was practically the same as at the Parthenon. The metopes and mutules were blue, the spaces between the latter were red, the only other colour was an "apple-green." At Rhamnus, again, the pattern on the cymatium was red, the lacunaria were blue with gilt stars, the mouldings around them had painted eggs and tongues ; some green remained in places. The same blue triglyphs and mutules with red bands and spaces have been found on early fragments discovered on the Acropolis.f The late examination of the western metopes of the Fig. 74. — Frieze : Iris, Hera, and Zeus. Parthenon by Mr Ebersole revealed many traces of colour, as well as of bronze bridles and swords. The upper left field of No. 14 shows some remains of red. Spots of blue were observed on the triglyphs, painted patterns were plainly visible on the corona and taenia, on the strip beneath the triglyphs were little palmettes, which still remain on No. 15. In regard to the sculptures, almost all direct evidence is lost; but there cannot be any doubt that they were richly coloured. In " Museum Marbles," a description is quoted from M. Mellin, of the slab of the frieze, now in the Louvre. " This

  • Dodwell.

t See Theo. Weigand, " Archaic Poros Architecture," 1904.