Page:Greek Buildings Represented by Fragments in the British Museum (1908).djvu/148

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132 THE PARTHENON AND ITS SCULPTURES. neck and the back of the head, including a complete ear, and sufficient of the helmet to indicate its general character, and it may be completed from the helmet on the head of an Athena at Dresden, which Furtwangler has already singled out as of Phidian type. It had a volute above the ear, and was in fact the distinctive Attic helmet. It is singular, however, in having no neck-piece, but some holes in the neck suggest that this may have been applied in bronze. On the right of Fig. 132 is Fig. 132. — Athena's Helmet: Restoration. the Dresden head, and above a helmet by Scopas. In the Bronze Room there is an original helmet of this type from Vulci. The head, as restored from these indications, has much in common with the colossal head. No. 1,572, of late work in the Museum, which is admitted to be a copy of an earlier one. VII. The rearing horses of Poseidon, the heads of which have recently been identified, approach him so closely that