Page:Greek Buildings Represented by Fragments in the British Museum (1908).djvu/168

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IS2 THESEUM, ERECHTHEUM, AND OTHER WORKS. work of Pericles, and the lower works may even have been built before the Parthenon was begun.* It was, of course, a fortified entrance into a citadel, and the wings flanked the steeply ascending road to the gates. In the wings, approached from within, were picture galleries and other halls, some of which were never completed. Stuart inferred part of the original intention and restored the south wing on his plan, but the entire scheme has been much more fully worked out by Dorpfeld, and a good summary of his results, with a plan, is given in Miss Harrison's " Athens." f Fig. 150. — The Propylasa : Perspective Section. We have in the Museum one of the Doric capitals, a drum of one of the Ionic shafts, and a length of the moulded band under the lacunaria. These stones, better than any others in the Museum, display the most characteristic points of Greek construction in marble. The bed of the drum of the column is wrought exactly like those of the Parthenon, with zones of polished and chiselled face. In the middle is a square hole about 4x4x4 which took the wooden box-dowel, and one of the actual

  • Parts of a simpler earlier gate still remain. American J. Aixh., 1904.

t See also The Builder^ 23nd February 1890.