Page:Greek Buildings Represented by Fragments in the British Museum (1908).djvu/179

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THESEUM, ERECHTHEUM, AND OTHER WORKS. 163 a minutely accurate drawing of a moulding very similar in de- coration, profile, and size. It is without a title except for the query "Erechtheus?" but it certainly was a companion moulding to the other. (Fig. 164.) This explains a small fragment drawn full size by In wood on his plate 11. Again, in the restoration of the Erechtheum by the French student, M. Genain, made many years ago, but only recently published,* a short note reads : " M. Genain found a fragment which adapted itself so well to the mutilated cornice that he could do no other than recognise the old 'doucine,' and has made use of it in his restoration." Fig. 164. — Moulding from a Drawing in the Stuart Collection. The piece of which we have the drawing had a return end, but nothing is noted, unfortunately, as to its section. It is possible that the piece in question was the cymatium of the eastern portico ; but it might, however, be the original cornice of one of the doors. The cymatium over the north doorway at present is practically a copy of it in ruder workmanship.f

  • D'Espouy.

t In making the comparison with Inwood, plate 11, note that it is there drawn much enlarged. M. Genain's fragment was the same pattern as Fig. 164. O