Page:Greek Buildings Represented by Fragments in the British Museum (1908).djvu/58

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42 THE TOMB OF MAUSOLUS. ■;,y;;^^;v tectural School at the Royal College of Art, under the direction of Professor Pite, and, further, I have found in the British Museum Lieutenant Smith's original measurements of all the drums found on the site, and on which Penrose based his calculation of the height of the order.* The former gives 3 feet bare for the top diameter, and the latter 3 feet. The lower diameter I find given from 3, 5 to 3, 7|-. I estimate it as 3, 6J. These diversities as to the sizes of parts of the column which are actually in the Museum, may be taken as an example going to show on how unsubstantial a basis rest most of the calculations as to the proportions and refinements of Greek architecture. Watkiss Lloyd's most able tract on the proportions of Priene, in the fourth volume of the " Antiquities of Athens," for instance, is worked out with the minuteness of a problem in pure mathematics, and the only inaccuracy seems to be in the data on which the calculations are based. The latest German re- searches show that esti- mates of the diameters at Priene vary from 1.25 to 1.29 metres, that the height of the column was probabh- greater than had been thought, and yet that the whole order was much less than was supposed, because it had no frieze. All this ma- seem a little confusing on one hand, but on the other it should, I think, relieve the mind of the practical student, who, being accustomed to the rough approximations of modern building, cannot understand these interrelations worked out to the thousandth of an inch. We come now to the important question of the inter- columniation. At Ephesus, which I look on as the type of a series of works which included the Mausoleum, the inter- columnar space was i j diameters ; at Priene it is o-iven as Fig. 32. — Part of Lacunar Margin.

  • The former will be referred to as " R.C.A. Survey," the latter as "the
