Page:Greek Buildings Represented by Fragments in the British Museum (1908).djvu/67

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THE TOMB OF MAUSOLUS. 51 scheme. He pointed out that some of the beams postulated by Pullan "would not bear their own weight, much less the superstructure." He noticed that beside the wide steps there were others having treads of 9 inches, and of those he proposed to form the pyramid. He worked out the intercolumniation from the margin stone of the lacunar, and showed that was if diameters. He had Newton and Pullan's wrong dimensions for both the margin-stone and for the diameter, but those hap- ) ll 1 11 m II ' "' "' '" "■ "' '" '" "' "' '" III m m m ni in m »| iti ill ill iii til in in iir r iii I III HI III III m 111 in n Fig. 40. — Pilaster Capital. pened to compensate one another in giving a columniation of 9, 6^, a result right in principle although wrong in fact. 5. About 1893 the order was pieced together in the Museum, the arrangement following Goodchild rather than Pullan, with some further variations. From the lacunar stones the right columniation, stated to be 9, g}, was arrived at. Dr Murray used certain square sculptured slabs as panels for the lacunaria. An objection may be raised to this on the ground that the panels have not equal margins all round, the margins above the heads of the figures are twice as wide as the others, and the