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21 Mr Greenwich then called Ms Ireland and asked her for "some context" in relation to her request. Mr Greenwich deposed that Ms Ireland had told him that Mr Latham had ignored police requests not to proceed with his speaking event the previous evening. Having been told that, Mr Greenwich said words to the following effect to Ms Ireland:

Mark Latham is a disgusting human being and people who are considering voting for One Nation need to realise they are voting for an extremely hateful and dangerous individual who risks causing a great deal of damage to our state.

Words and hate cause a great deal of damage, particularly when they're targeted at vulnerable minority groups.

It really is incumbent on political leaders to call this out and to show support for the LGBTIQ + community.

22 I make no finding about whether Mr Latham in fact "ignored police requests". That was not an issue at the hearing and there is nothing to suggest that he did.

23 That same day, the Sydney Morning Herald published an online article by Ms Ireland about the Belfield incident headlined "Video shows LGBTQ protestors pleading for help outside Mark Latham event", which stated, among other things:

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The text removed was an excerpt from Sydney Morning Herald article "Video shows LGBTQ protestors pleading for help outside Mark Latham event".

24 Also on 22 March 2023, a person called Susan Metcalfe (using the handle @susanamet), posted a link on Twitter to Ms Ireland's online article with a caption extracting a portion of Mr Greenwich's quote (the Metcalfe tweet). Below is a screenshot of the Metcalfe tweet:

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Susan Metcalfe tweet

Greenwich v Latham [2024] FCA 1050