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33 In the time that it was online, Mr Latham also "liked" a series of tweets posted by Twitter users in reply to the primary tweet, including:

(a) "Exactamundo!!";
(b) "Gold!!!! Keep it up Mark as there is to many people asleep at the wheel..";
(c) "I could not have said it any better Mark [clapping, thumbs up emojis]";
(d) "Well, to me, that's disgusting - I choose not to think about that part when thinking of my gay friends who, just like all humans, have bad & good ones.";
(e) "Touche";
(f) "My first laugh-out-loud moment for today, thanks Mark [tilted laughing, crying emoji]";
(g) "Best come-back ever! [laughing, crying emoji]";
(h) "About time someone didn't hold back on what everyone really thinks about these grubs.";
(i) "Well said Mark.";
(j) "Why does it need a label, other than facts?";
(k) "Boom! There it is [smiling emoji], & it needs to be said";
(l) "I reckon that should be @Peter_Fitz tweet of the week #FitzToTW ... but I'm sure it won't be"; and
(m) "I think you're doing it wrong, Mark."

(Many of the social media posts and communications set out in these reasons were replete with typographical errors. They are reproduced in their original form.)

34 As Dr Collins put it in opening submissions, although the primary tweet was removed, by that time "the cat was out of the bag". Even after it was deleted, portions of the primary tweet were quoted in national online news media articles (which were annexed to Mr Greenwich's affidavit as Annexures AG-31 to AG-34), and screenshots of the original tweet were shared on social media.

35 For example, at 12:45pm on 30 March 2023, journalist Hugh Riminton (using the handle @hughriminton) posted on Twitter an image of a section of the primary tweet with the following caption (the Riminton tweet):

Greenwich v Latham [2024] FCA 1050