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44 Mr Greenwich was scheduled to appear on the Channel 10 television program, The Project on the evening of 31 March, but cancelled his appearance due to the Port Macquarie trip. However, the host of The Project, Mr Hamish Macdonald, contacted Mr Greenwich that day and explained to him the importance of the interview, and that it would be conducted in a "gentle way" and would focus on LGBTQIA+ law reform. Mr Macdonald also told him that The Project was willing to send a cameraman to Port Macquarie.

45 Mr Greenwich deposed that:

After speaking with Mr Macdonald, I agreed to do the interview from Port Macquarie. Despite feeling like I wanted to get away from the media, I had a competing feeling of wanting to use the media to advocate for the LGBTQ+ community and highlighting the need for law reform. I felt that I needed to put on a brave face publicly because that is what I had done in my time as a politician, especially in late 2017, during the Marriage Equality Postal Survey when there was significant public debate about LGBTQ+ rights and what I considered to be very hurtful and harmful misinformation spread about the LGBTQI+ community …

46 An audiovisual file and transcript of Mr Greenwich's appearance on "The Project" on 31 March 2023 were in evidence. The transcript was relevantly as follows:

Greenwich v Latham [2024] FCA 1050