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collectively play a role in stamping out discrimination in our communities - One Nation clearly doesn't meet this baseline.

It is clear that all political parties, all independents elected to the new parliament need to take a stand and refuse to work with this toxic man.

The only reason One Nation gets any power in our democracy and our parliaments is because political parties and elected representatives continue to work with them.

83 On 30 March 2023, the Prime Minister, Mr Anthony Albanese, said:

I am concerned that with social media we seem to have a circumstance whereby people would say things through various applications they'd never say to someone face to face and we know that can be very hurtful and it can have drastic consequences.

84 On 30 March 2023, journalist Deborah Knight said:

Mark Latham's tweet is off the charts.

I won't repeat it, you can't, what he's written is something you would never say.

Mark Latham needs to take a good hard look in the mirror for posting stuff like this.

85 As mentioned at [49] above, on 30 March 2023, commentator Andrew Bolt said:

Now to the crisis in Pauline Hanson's One Nation. It's a crisis called Mark Latham. I would ask Mark Latham to come on tonight to explain what went wrong for him in the NSW election last weekend. He is the leader of One Nation there and he didn't do as well as [he] expected. But as you can see no Mark nor will there ever be. Now I know … you know that we've had blow-ups before. I mean last year I called him out for his racist joke about Channel 9 journalist Sarah Abo. Latham hates criticism he accused me of many foul and false things and that was it with us even though I had supported him for quite a while. I didn't and you didn't expect him to come back on my show but he was the leader of One Nation in NSW and he was promoting some sensible policies at last week's election so I did ask him on to explain them and I told you that the voters and the policies were more important than my feelings. Now Latham did ask to come on again just before the election. I said fine we talk the elections again but never again.

Latham this morning put a tweet so disgusting that even he felt ashamed after a while and eventually deleted it but much too late. This tweet was so disgusting, so homophobic, so vile in a pornographic way that I cannot even hint about what he said about a gay politician Alex Greenwich. But it was the kind of thing a scumbag would write. A drunk one, except he wrote it not at night but at 10:30am this morning. Now what was going through his mind I do not know, but not for the first time I wonder if he has some issue that needs seeing to. Now Latham seems to have a self-destruct button and he is punching it far too often. Many former colleagues in Labor refuse to speak to him after he betrayed them in a seeming rage. Betrayed secrets and all sorts of things. There was also the Abo joke. There was a fight with a taxi driver whose arm was broken. And now this tweet which I don't think he will ever live down.

He will be a pariah and not just here at Sky. I wonder how he will be able to function effectively as a political leader who has earned the contempt of so many for his abuse, particularly the media. And this is a real problem for Pauline Hanson, the national One Nation leader. Latham taints her. She's tried to rein him in but now this. Doesn't Latham even know that Hanson's closest adviser for years, a really top bloke, is

Greenwich v Latham [2024] FCA 1050