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referred to in paragraphs 128-129 above.

Following publication of the Primary Tweet and the DT Quotes, I heard my staff say to me on a number of occasions words to the effect:

Staff: "I just took a really abusive call."

"I've just seen a horrible email."

I have also seen the reaction of my staff to these kinds of communication. Based on my observations of my staff in the Electorate Office, it appears to me there is a feeling of stress and anxiety in the Electorate Office, and that the energy of my staff has been diverted from helping constituents. I remain very concerned about the safety and wellbeing of my staff.

On about 3 April 2023, I directed my staff to close the Electorate Office for one week, meaning I directed my staff to keep the Electorate Office shopfront door locked during office hours. Usually, the shop front door is closed, but unlocked so constituents can come in to the Electorate Office off the street. I gave this direction because I was concerned about the safety of my staff. We had just started to receive the communications referred to in paragraph 128-129. I had a few staff members who were off, so we were down to two staff members at the Electorate Office. Initially one of my staff, Tammie Nardone, suggested we keep the door locked/closed, and I agreed. My concerns in respect of my staff's safety and wellbeing, after they had received hateful communications, were amplified in the context of there being fewer staff members present in the Electorate Office. Annexed and marked Annexure AG-152 at page 727 is a screenshot of our Electorate Office staff group WhatsApp chat.

I also believe that the publication of the Primary Tweet, the DT Quotes and the subsequent hateful communications have impacted my ability to be a good manager to my staff. That is because I am concerned that I am no longer able to provide my staff with a safe workplace. That is something I must consider in relation to my ongoing role in public office and public life.

The publication of the Primary Tweet, the DT Quotes and the subsequent hateful communications have also impacted my ability to do my job. I have been constantly stressed and distracted from my work. In 2023, I had to cancel work events because I struggled to face the public, I was afraid for my personal safety and didn't want to talk about the Primary Tweet, DT Quotes and Mark Latham. For example, I cancelled my attendance at an Out For Australia event on 14 April 2023. Annexed and marked Annexure AG-153 at page 730 is a copy of [my] text message to the event organiser.

Since publication of the Primary Tweet and DT Quotes, and since my Electorate Office began receiving violent, threatening and abusive communications, the NSW Parliament has had to provide my Electorate Office with additional resources and counselling support.

In about early April 2023, Surry Hills Police Station provided my Electorate Office with a direct contact person to report any concerning or threatening incidents. During a staff meeting with my Electorate Office staff in about early April 2023, when my Electorate Office first started receiving correspondence related to the Primary Tweet and DT Quotes, I directed my staff to forward any concerning or threatening correspondence to the police contact.

On about 19 April 2023, I attended Surry Hills police station and made a statement about the Primary Tweet and subsequent communication referred to in paragraph 121-

Greenwich v Latham [2024] FCA 1050