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91 Mr Graham also deposed that it was clear to him that Mr Greenwich had been deeply affected by the primary tweet and the abusive communications sent to the Electorate Office. He said that, when it came to discussions about the primary tweet, he observed Mr Greenwich to be withdrawn and deflated, in contrast to his "normal personality which is usually energetic and upbeat".

Ms McCall

92 Ms McCall works as an Electorate Officer at Mr Greenwich's electoral office in Sydney.

93 She is responsible for managing Mr Greenwich's diary, and deposed to having observed that after publication of the primary tweet, Mr Greenwich started to decline more invitations to attend events from colleagues, community organisations and the corporate sector.

94 She also gave evidence about the public reaction to the publication of the matters complained of, which necessitated the intervention of the NSW Police and the implementation of a procedure to handle suspicious mail in the electoral office.

Mr Hoeld

95 Mr Hoeld has been married to Mr Greenwich since 2012.

96 He deposed that he spoke to Mr Greenwich after publication of the primary tweet and heard that he was "audibly distressed, his voice was shaking and sounded different to his usual upbeat tone". He said that before the Capella event (see [40] above) Mr Greenwich told Mr Hoeld he was nervous. When they returned home, Mr Hoeld said:

[Mr Greenwich] [broke] down like I had never seen before during the course of our relationship. I saw Alex sobbing in bed. I heard Alex say words to the effect, "I feel helpless" and "I feel attacked". It seemed like for the first time in our relationship, I was not able to comfort Alex. It was extremely distressing to me to watch Alex during that evening.

97 Mr Hoeld also deposed that in the immediate aftermath, Mr Greenwich was inundated with telephone communications and he appeared to become stressed and overwhelmed; that Mr Greenwich became uneasy and wished to leave events early and that he was upset and frustrated that people wanted to talk to him about the primary tweet instead of his work; and that despite members of the public expressing sympathy and kindness to Mr Greenwich after publication of the primary tweet, this seemed to make him uncomfortable and disempowered.

Greenwich v Latham [2024] FCA 1050