Page:Grierson Herbert - First Half of the Seventeenth Century.djvu/405

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Lorenzo de' Medici, 329.
Lovelace, Richard, 176.
Love's Sacrifice 131.
Lucifer, 194.
Luiken, 42, 43.
Lycidas, 165, 183-185, 200, 221.

Machiavelli, 113, 114, 196, 208, 209.
Maeghden, 312.
Maerlant, Jacob van, 5.
Magnetic Lady, The, 99.
Maid's Tragedy, The, 123.
Mairet, 292, 297, 298-302, 309, 317, 323.
Malcontent, The, 104, 113, 114.
Malherbe, 245-248, 249, 250, 251, 254, 257, 273, 275, 276, 295, 302, 319, 365.
Mander, Karl van, 10.
Marc Antonie, 386.
Maria Stuart, 312.
Mariamne, 321.
Marino, 150, 151, 162, 163, 170, 171, 184, 196, 199, 253, 256, 295, 325, 326, 338, 344, 347, 365.
Marlowe, C, 18, 85, 87, 88, 123, 125, 156, 196, 288, 289, 368.
Marnix, P. van, 11, 12.
Marprelate controversy, 220.
Marstou, John, 85, 103, 104-106, 114, 119, 140.
Martyr, The Virgin, 106, 128, 369.
Marvell, A., 179.
Masque of Hymen, 100.
Masque of Queens, 100.
Massinger, Phil., 85, 121, 127-130.
Masson, Prof. D., 180 note.
May, T., 239.
Maynard, Francois, 248.
Mayne, Jasper, 234.
Mazzoni, 327 note.
Médée, 306.
Médicis, Marie de, 260.
Mélite, 303, 304.
Meres, F., 86.
Metamorphosis of Tobacco, 152.
Metaphysical poetry, 156-158, 162, 163, 367, 374.
Mezières, A., 84 note.
Michaelmas Term, 109.
Microcosmographie, 225.
Middleton, T., 85, 103, 106, 107, 108-111, 124, 126, 226,369.
Milan, Duke of, 128.
Milton, 3, 28, 65, 72, 74, 80, 90, 95, 137, 138, 163, 180-186, 192-197, 198, 201, 203, 204, 220-224, 258, 259, 320, 341 note, 349.
Minto, Prof., 84 note, 202 note.
Mintiirno, 340.
Mistress, The, 189, 336.
Mithridate, 306.
Molière, Fr. de, 83, 98, 101, 102, 103, 253, 264, 313, 316, 324.
Moltzer, Prof., 18, 32, 50.
Montaigne, 17, 226, 273, 276, 277, 278.
Montchrestien, Antoiue de, 286, 306, 320.
Monteraayor, Jorge de, 262, 294.
Moolhuizen, J. J., 193 note.
Moralities (Dutch), 53.
More, Henry, 149, 375.
Morley, H. , 225 note.
Mort de César, 321.
Motley, J. L., 11 note.
Motteux, P. A., 234.
Moyse Sauvé, 190, 259.
Muller, Aug. , 193 note.
Muscettola, Antonio, 338.

New Atlantis, 207.
New Inn, The, 99.
New Way to Pay Old Debts, A, 129.
Newcastle, Duchess of, 242.
Nicol, Prof., 205 note.
Nicomède, 315.
Noble Numbers, 178.
Northward Ho! 106, 107.

Ode to Hobbes, 189.
Ode on the Morning of Christ's Nativity, 182.
Of Prelatical Episcopacy, 221.
Of Reformation in England, 221.
Of the Sacred Order of Episcopacy, 215.
Ogier, Frangois, 300.
Old Fortunatus', 106, 107.
Old Law, The, 110.
Olor Iscanus, 168.
On a Girdle, 188.
On the Assumption, 171.
On the Death of a Fair Infant, 181.
Opitz, Martin, 354-356.
Ossone, Due de, 304.
"Oude Kammer, The." See "Eglantine, The."
Overbury, Sir Thomas, 225.