Page:Grierson Herbert - First Half of the Seventeenth Century.djvu/407

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Rossetti, D. G., 157.
Rotrou, Jean de, 297, 298, 306, 321, 324.
Rousseau, J.-J., 329.
Rowley, W., 108, 110.
Royal Society, 190.
Ruskin, J., 215.
Ryer, Pierre du, 297, 324.

Sablé, Madame de, 284.
Saggiatore, 351.
Saint-Amant, 190, 254.
Saint-Louis, 259.
Saint Patrick for Ireland, 132, 133.
Saint Paul, 259.
Saint-Sorlin, 324.
Sainte-Beuve, 244 note, 274, 277 note, 289.
Saintsbury, Prof., 84 note, 138 note, 202 note, 244 note, 362, 367.
Sales, S. Francis de, 263, 274.
Salnacis and Hermaphroditus, 121, 338.
Salmasius (Saumaise, C), 222,
Sampogna, 331, 336, 347.
Samson Agonistes, 199.
Sannazaro, 150, 339.
Sarpi, Paolo, 351, 352.
Satiromastix, 93, 106.
Scaliger, 300, 355.
Scarron, P., 255, 271, 324.
Scévole, 322.
Schede, Paul, 353.
Scherer, W., 353 note.
Schism and Schismatics, 220.
Scott, Sir W., 126.
Scudery, G. de, 259, 266, 274, 297, 309
Scudéry, Madeline de, 264, 266.
Secchia Rapita, La, 347.
" Secentismo," 325, 326, 366.
Sejanus', His Fall, 95, 99.
Select Discourses, 375.
Senecan tragedy, 286, 287, 306.
Serafino, 326, 332, 335.
Sertorius, 312, 316.
Sévigné, Mdme. de, 262, 267.
Shakespeare, W., 3, 84, 86, 88, 93, 98, 103, 114, 115, 117, 118, 120, 123, 137, 156, 182, 183, 196, 203, 211, 288, 289, 292, 300, 308, 310, 336.
Shepherdess, The Faithful, 127.
Shirley, James, 86, 103, 132, 133, 175, 368.
Sidney, Sir Phil., 140, 144, 262, 300.
Silent Woman, The, 96, 97, 98, 100.
'Silex Scintillans, 168.
Silvanire, 298, 299, 300.
Silver Age, The, 111.
Sirène, 261.
Small, Roscoe A., 94 note.
Smith, Gregory, 53.
Smith, John, 374.
Smollett, Tob., 269, 271.
Socrate Chrestien, 273.
Song-books (Dutch), 18.
Songs and Sonnets (Donne), 160.
Sophonisba, The Tragedy of, 104.
Sophonisbe, 297, 298, 301, 302, 306, 315, 316, 320.
Sophy, The, 188.
Sorel, Charles, 268, 269, 270.
Spaccio della Bestia, 175.
Spanish Gipsy, The, 109.
Spedding, 205 note.
Speed, 239.
Spenser, E., 13, 135, 137, 140-143, 144, 182, 184, 201.
"Spenserians, The," 166.
Spieghel, H. Lz., 12, 13.
Staple of News, The, 99.
Starter, 20, 21.
Steele, R., 283.
Steflfens, G., 321 note.
Stephen, Leslie, 236 note.
Steps to the Temple, 170.
Sterne, Laurence, 226.
Stewart, Prof. J. A., 369.
Stiefel, A. L., 87 note, 293 note, 321 note.
Strage degli Innocenti, 170, 190, 331, 338.
Struys, Jacob, 64.
Suckling, Sir J., 122, 134, 176, 177.
Swift, 211.
Swinburne, A. C, 86, 89 note, 90, 98, 120 note, 210 note.
Sylva Sylrarum, 207.
Sylvester, 181.
Sylvie, 298, 299.
Symonds, J. A., 89 note.

Taille, Card, de la, 290.
Tale of a Tub, A, 99.
Tasso, Bernardo, 340, 341, 344.
Tasso, T., 25, 119, 182, 184, 185, 192, 195, 196, 200, 327-329, 339, 371.
Tassoni, 255, 325, 328, 343, 345-347.