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English Publications of the Communist International.

1. Capitalist England—Socialist Russia.
2. Say! What are You?
3. The Truth about the Allied Intervention in Russia. By Philips Price.
4. The Work of the Soviets and the Unconfessible War. By a Communist.
5. The Shame of being a Scab.
6. Program of the Russian Communist Party.
7. The All-Russian Union of Workers in the Food Manufacturing Industry.
8. The Third International to the Workers of all Countries. (Concerning the Polish question).
9. The Food Policy of the Soviet Government. By A. Svidersky.
10. Central and Local Authorities. By L. Kamenev.
11. Program of Socialist Construction. By K. Radek.
12. Statement of the Peoples Commissariat for Health.
13. The All Russian Builders' Union.
14. At the All-Russian Trade Union Congress. A speech by Lenin.
15. The Trade Unions in Soviet Russia. By A. Lozovsky.
16. Why I Side with the Social Revolution. By René Marchand.