Page:Grigory Zinoviev - Report of the Executive Committee of the Communist International (1921).pdf/61

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Some people have attempted to create a conflict between the Young Communists and the Executive, trying to incite them against the Executive by articles in Levi's paper, "Soviet." But they will never succeed in this.

It is my opinion that the Young Communists must get their political guidance where there is the political leadership of the entire International. If orders are issued by two parallel institutions, in different countries, it goes without saying that these orders are liable to clash and give rise to misunderstandings. That is particularly dangerous with regard to the Young Communist movement. Therefore, I believe that we ought to overcome all difficulties of organisation, and concentrate the general political administration in one place, which may be in Russia to-day, and in Germany or France to-morrow, in accordance with the development of the World Revolution.

In any case, we must give much greater support to the Young Communists than we have done heretofore. They have done splendid work up to now, and have always been in the front ranks in Czecho-Slovakia, France, and other countries: where we had to fight against the social patriots and centrists. The task is very important, and there is still a great deal left undone in this respect.

The Young Communists must have all the support that we can give them: (Lively applause.)


On the initiative of our Executive Committee the Second Congress founded the Red Trade Union International. That was something entirely new at the time; we have now proceeded quite a long way on that path. Comrade Losovsky has collected the data showing that more than 15,000,000 organised workers already belong to our Trade Union Inter-