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"(1) General co-operation in the organisation of production on a Communist basis.

"(2) The re-establishment of the productive power of the country, which was destroyed by the War and the internal crisis.

"(3) The calculation and re-distribution of labour for the entire country.

"(4) The organisation of the exchange between town and country.

"(5) The introduction of the obligation to work.

"(6) Helping the State Departments to provide food.

"(7) Helping to solve the fuel crisis and other difficulties.

"(8) Giving general aid to the formation of the Red Army.

"(9) Defending the economic interests of the workers, and at the same time fighting against the individualist tendencies, and the short-sighted views of that section of the workers which, because of its ignorance, still retains the habit of regarding the Proletarian State of to-day as though it were the old employer.

"Because the industrial organisations of to-day are the Communist schools of the proletarian and semi-proletarian masses, they have become, little by little, an integral part of the general mechanism of the State. They are one of the organs of the State of working people who submit to the rule of the Soviets because the Soviets are the vehicle indicated by history for the Dictatorship of the Proletariat."

The Communist Party and the Soviets.

The Industrial Unions work in conjunction with the Communist Party and the Soviets. The activities of these three institutions are