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cannot die of hunger; I hope I shall be forgiven if I borrow a little and when I get rich again. I will repay it all"

So he managed to get into the treasury, and took a very little money; but as he came out the kings guards saw him, and said he was a thief, and took him to the judge, and he was sentenced to be thrown into the water in a box. The lid of the box was full of holes to let in air, and a jug of water and a loaf of bread were given him.

Whilst he was swimming along in the water very sorrowfully, he heard something nibbling and biting at the lock; and all of a sudden it fell off, the lid flew open, and there stood his old frien the little mouse, who had done him this service. And then came the ass and the bear, and pulled the box ashore; and all helped him, because he had been kind to them.

But now they did not know what to do next, and began to consult together; when on a sudden a wave threw on the shore a beautiful white stone that looked like an egg. Then the bear said, "That's a; lucky thing; this is the wonderful stone, And whoever has it may have everything else that he wishes" So the man went and picked up the stone, and wished for a palace and a garden, and a stud of horses; and his wish was fulfilled as soon as he had made it And there he lived in his castle and garden, with fine stables and horses; and all was so grand and beautiful, that he never could wonder and gaze at it enough.

After some time, some merchants passed by that way. "See," said they, "what a princely palace! The last time we were here, it was nothing but a desert waste." They were very curious to know how all this had happened; so they went in and asked the master of the palace how it bad been so quickly raised. "I have done nothing myself," answered he, "it is a wonderful stone that did all"—"What a