Page:Grimshaw, Bagshaw and Bradshaw.djvu/18

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Grim. Not a moment—so open the door—make haste — here's somebody coming!

Fanny opens r h. d., and Grimshaw runs in.

Fan. (looking out through door) I don't hear any one.
Grim. Well, to confess the truth. I should rather be surprised if you did! the fact is, it was only an ingenious device of mine to induce you to open the door.
Fan. For shame, Sir. to have recourse to an unworthy artifice to gain admission into my apartment!
Grim. Your apartment?—come, I like that! (suddenly) Holloa! you've been smoking.
Fan. Pshaw! leave me, I beg—I implore! consider my reputation!
Grim. What's your reputation compared to mine?—if you had only seen the look my old landlady gave me just now as I came in—she's not what you'd call a particularly handsome woman at any time, but at that moment she was repulsive in the highest degree; and then, the fiendish grin she put on when she said—"I thought I heard a female voice in your room, Sir;"—and then she gave me this letter. (showing letter.)
Fan. A letter for you?
Grim. There's no address; but the landlady said it was to be delivered immediately to the gentleman on the second floor; and as I have every reason to believe that I am the only gentleman on the second floor——
Fan. Exactly. Then why don't you read it? (Grimshaw opens letter) What's the signature?
Grim. (reading) "Soosan Towzer."
Fan. (aside) Emily's aunt!—the letter was intended for Mr. Bradshaw, and she did'nt know that he had left the house. (aloud) Well, go on.
Grim. Why should I? I know nothing about Soosan Towzer—I never even heard of Soosan Towzer!
Fan. (impatiently) I insist upon knowing what's in that letter, Sir!
Grim. (aside) She's jealous, I declare! (reading) "Sir, I am sorry to say that my husband's nose"—no, no—"I am sorry to say that my husband knows everything"—n-o-s-e, for knows—then all I can say is, that Soosan's husband is a devilish clever fellow!