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from the nursery bed. It is of prime importance to keep the roots moist at all times and to set the trees firmly in the ground, with their roots spread out and not curled upward or bunched. Young black locusts set in cultivated or prepared ground usually grow well even if the fertility of the soil is low. Likewise, if they are set in small pockets in hard though good soil, the growth will be unsatisfactory (fig. 10). An impervious hardpan near the surface is practically fatal to their growth or survival.

The seedlings may be carried in buckets having water and should never be dropped ahead of setting. A crew of two men is often employed, one digging the holes and the other setting the trees. The tools most commonly used are a mattock or a light grub hoe. The number of the crew is varied, depending on the ease of planting; one

Figure 10.—Because the hard ground was not first broken up by plowing to make a loose planting bed, the results were poor. Tbe trees were carried about in buckets containing water and carefully set in holes dug with a mattock. Because the roots could not expand rapidly the trees were stunted, and many died during dry periods.

digger may prepare the ground for two or more setters, or in hard ground it may be necessary for two men to dig the requisite large, well-cultivated holes or spots while one man sets the trees. Planting is done by holding the tree in a normal position while carefully drawing in the soil around and over the roots. The soil should always be well firmed with the foot about the tree, and preferably some loose litter should be spread over the surface as a mulch.

In loose soil the slit method of planting is very often used. It consists of making a wedge-shaped opening with a mattock, spade, or dibble, in which the tree is held and the soil pressed and firmed. The latter tool consists of a narrow, flat iron blade and extended handle. Although not usually as good a method for getting the roots well placed, this is a rapid and often a satisfactory method.

The best method of preparing gully banks for planting is to plow the banks on the contour, solid if possible, otherwise open a single