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Black locust may be planted alone in pure stands, as has been largely done in the past, but there are advantages in planting other species in mixture with it. Where steep slopes or washed or gullied lands

Figure 12.—Black locust is a particularly good tree to plant about the farm to stop erosion and put idle land to use. A, Planting black locust, white and red oaks, and honeysuckle vines on the sloped banks o£ a large farm gully. In the deep richer soils black walnut and yellow poplar (tuliptrce) were planted. B, Appearance of the banks at the end of one season that happened to be abnormally dry. Gibson County, Tenn.

are in need of a quick cover to check erosion, it may be well to plant locust pure.

The purpose of adding other trees, shrubs, or vines is to get a heavier protective shade and bed of litter over the around. This