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instead of being placed in the ground like the seeds, the eggs of the shad are sent into the water by the mother through an opening underneath her body.

After the shad has laid her eggs she swims away and forgets all about them. From four to seven days later each egg has become something that looks very much like a tiny fish, and in three or four weeks it has grown to be a little shad, about an inch long, which can swim about and take care of itself.

Birds and chickens grow from eggs like the fish and the plants, but instead of growing in the water or in the ground they grow in a nest. The hen has an ovary in her body. There the egg stays until the time comes for it to be laid. Then it moves down through a long pipe or tube, growing a little bit as it goes, and passes out of the hen through an opening under her tail feathers, and drops into the nest.

The hen keeps the egg warm by sitting on the nest and the egg begins to grow very fast. In three weeks it has become a tiny chick which breaks the shell that once protected the egg and comes out into the nest, a fuzzy little fellow.