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stocks in Messrs. Danny Bros’ ship building yards at Greenock. It may be mentioned that Capt. Underwood late of the s.s. Rotamahana has retired from the command of that steamer in favour of Captain M. Carey, the former mentioned popular officer having been appointed as the Company’s Marine Superintendent at Home.


On the same page a slight alteration has to be made in the notice of Messrs Turnbull’s shipping agencies. The s.s. Wakatu has been taken off the Patea trade owing to her unsuitability, so far as length goes for the passage of the Patea river, and her place has been taken by the s.s. Napier. The Patea Shipping Company are at present building a second steamer for their trade at Auckland, which is to be named the Patea, so-called after the handy little steamer which came to grief in the Patea river about a year hence It should be mentioned that the steamers Huia and Tui now trade exclusively between Wellington and Wanganui. The s.s. Napier has since our first edition was published changed hands, her present owners being Messrs Bendall and Taylor. Messrs W. and G. Turnbull and Co. have recently been appointed agents for the Anchor Line of steam packets trading between the metropolis and the various west coast ports of the Middle Island, and the same firm has recently purchased the paddle steamer Lyttelton, The stiff little s.s. Stormbird has been purchased by Mr. Seager, and at present is undergoing the operation of being cut in half amid (illegible text) preparatory to her being lengthened considerably. Her future trade has as yet not been definitely determined on, but the above firm will act as agents for her owner.


Several revisions and emendations have to be made in Cpt. Williams’ fleet of steam and sailing vessels since our first edition was issued. On page 75 it will be necessary to cross out the name of the ill-fated s.s. Westport. Her loss however, will shortly be amply compensated for by the arrival in July and September next of two new steamships, viz.,—the Koranui, 500 tons, and the Mawhera, 550 tons, which are building on the Clyde for Captain Williams, who intends placing both boats on the local and inter-provincial trade. The veteran favourite s.s. Manawatu is likewise owned by Captain Williams, who during the past year has sold the three-masted schooner Ellerton, and has also sustained a loss in

the barque Australind,. which vessel was wrecked off New Plymouth some months since.
