Page:Guide to the Bohemian section and to the Kingdom of Bohemia - 1906.djvu/107

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and has given the world a great number of most valuable inventions.


Besides the fitting of sugar works the Bohemian machine industry is actively employed in manufacturing machines for spirit-distilleries, refrigerating machines and cooling plantes for breweries and abattoirs, fittings and machinery for mining and smelting, complete steam-and-gas-motor plants for central electric establishments, water-motors, turbines, waterwork plants for town supply etc. Bohemian machinery enjoys the most enviable reputation not only in Austria-Hungary, but also beyond the frontiers of the Monarchy.

The Bohemian agricultural machine industry is prosperous both in local and foreign trade. There is a large export especially to the Balkan countries and to Russia. Light agricultural machinery are imported mainly from the United States and Canada, and threshing-machines and steam-ploughs from Great Britain.

Spinning and textile machinery is imported from Germany and the United Kingdom.


Prague is the seat of a large locomotive building establishment, one of the five greatest locomotive works in Austria. Erected in 1900 169 locomotives were since delivered, 27 reconstructed, and 23 reserve boilers and 10 tenders made. It is fitted up for the yearly production of 60 locomotives and tenders, which quantity was delivered in 1901. It is chiefly occupied by government orders for the Austrian State railways.

The most important of the seven railway-carriage-works in the Austro-Hungarian Empire is in Prague, and is able to turn out 400 passenger carriages and 4000 good trucks or nearly one third of the total production of the Empire. The international Sleeping Car Company is its best customer.