Page:Gurney - Things Mother Used to Make.djvu/101

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Massachusetts Clam Chowder

3 Quarts of Clams 8 Boston Crackers
6 Medium-sized Potatoes 4 Slices of Salt Pork
1 Small Onion

Wash the clams clean, put them on the stove to cook, with one pint of cold water. Boil until the shells burst open. Remove from the stove, pour the clam liquor into an earthen dish and set away to settle. When the clams have cooled a little, pick them from the shells, remove the night-caps, cut off the head, to the shoulders, washing each clam. Cut three or four slices of fat salt pork and fry in the bottom of a kettle, with half an onion. Skim these from the fat, pour in the clam liquor, add a little hot water. When this boils, add the raw potatoes, which have been pared and sliced thin, and cook until tender. Split the crackers open and soak till soft in milk or water. Add these and the clams to the potatoes. Cook ten minutes, then add a quart of milk and salt, if needed. Do not let it boil after adding the milk. Serve hot. This is very delicious.

New England Fish Chowder

4 Slices of Fat Salt Pork 2 or 3 Pounds of Fresh
6 or 8 Potatoes Haddock or Codfish
1 Small Onion 8 Boston Crackers

Fry the salt pork, with the onion, in the bot-