Page:Gurney - Things Mother Used to Make.djvu/123

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Sew the other end of ribbon to the coat sleeve. The child can remove mittens at any time without losing them and always know where they are.

Teach a Child to Hang up his Own Coat and Hat

Have some hooks, low down in the closet or kitchen where a child can reach them easily, to be used only by himself.

To Keep your Own Umbrella

Take a piece of narrow white tape, three or four inches long. With a glass pen, or a new clean steel one, and indelible ink, write your name upon it. Sew this to the inside of the umbrella.

To Wash a White Silk Waist, or a Baby's Bonnet

Use cold water and white soap. Hot water will turn white silk yellow.

When Ironing Embroidery

Place it right side down on a piece of soft flannel, ironing on the wrong side. If flannel is not at hand, try an old turkish towel.

To Wash Small Pieces of Lace

Put in a horse radish bottle and pour over them, strong soap suds, good and hot, and shake well. Let