Page:Gurney - Things Mother Used to Make.djvu/68

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Chow Chow, No. 1

½ Peck Green Tomatoes ¼ Cupful of Ground
1 Large Head of Cab- Black Pepper
bage ½ Ounce of Celery Seed
6 Large Onions 2 Pounds of Brown Sugar
½ Pint Grated Horse- 3 Quarts of Vinegar
radish 1 Cupful of Salt
¼ Pound of White Mus-
tard Seed

Chop or grind tomatoes, cabbage and onions, very fine and salt over night. Next day, drain off the brine, add vinegar and other ingredients, then mix well and put into glass jars. Do not cook.

Chow Chow, No. 2

1 Peck of Green Toma- 1 Tablespoonful of Cin-
toes namon
1 Cupful of Salt 1 Tablespoonful of Cloves
6 Onions 1 Tablespoonful of All-
6 Peppers spice
1 Cupful of Sugar 1 Even Spoonful of Gin-
Vinegar enough to cover ger

Cut the tomatoes, onions and peppers into small pieces. Put the salt over them and let stand over night. Drain off the liquor the next day and throw it away. Mix all together, cover with vinegar and simmer until tender. Seal in glass jars.