Page:Gurney - Things Mother Used to Make.djvu/71

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Cut the tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, cauliflower and peppers into small pieces. Pour over them boiling brine, made of three quarts of water and one cupful of salt. Let this stand twenty-four hours, then pour off the brine. Stir the flour, mustard, sugar and tumeric powder together, and wet with a little of the vinegar, then stir it into the boiling vinegar, as you would make gravy. Put the other ingredients in, and simmer together until all are tender. Seal in glass jars.

Piccalilli, No. 1

1 Peck of Green Toma- 1½ Cupfuls of Sugar
toes ½ Cupful of Salt
3 Pints of Vinegar 2 Large Spoonfuls of
½ Pint of Green Peppers Ground Cloves

Chop all together and simmer three hours.

Piccalilli, No. 2

1 Peck of Green Toma- 1 Ounce of Whole Cloves,
toes Allspice, and Mus-
4 Onions tard Seed
2 Green Peppers Vinegar to cover
1 Cupful of Salt

Slice the tomatoes, sprinkle over the salt, and let stand over night. In the morning, pour off the water and drain. Slice peppers and onions, tie the spices