Page:Gurney - Things Mother Used to Make.djvu/78

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Pumpkin Pie, No. 2

2 Cupfuls of Stewed and 1 Cupful of Sugar
Sifted Pumpkin Pinch of Salt
2 Crackers Rolled Fine ½ Teaspoonful of Cinna-
Boston Crackers or 3 mon
Uneedas 1 Pint of Milk

Pour the mixture into a deep pie-plate lined with crust, and bake in a slow oven one hour.

Rhubarb Pie

1 Pint of Rhubarb 1 Cupful of Sugar
1 Tablespoonful of Flour ¼ Teaspoonful of Soda

Remove the skin, and cut into small pieces enough rhubarb to fill a pint bowl. Add the soda, and pour over it boiling water to cover. Let stand fifteen minutes and pour off the water. Line a deep plate with a rich crust. Put in the rhubarb, sugar and flour, cover with crust. Bake twenty minutes or half an hour.

Rolley Polys

Roll pie crust very thin and cut into strips four inches long and three inches wide. Over these spread jelly and lap the crust over, pressing edges