Page:Gurney - Things Mother Used to Make.djvu/86

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To Can Peaches

1 Quart of Peaches 2 Cupfuls of Water
1 Cupful of Sugar

Be sure to have the jars perfectly clean and warm. Glass covers are always preferable. Make a syrup of the sugar and water. Boil this hard for five minutes. Set back on the stove and let it settle, then skim very thoroughly. Pare, cut in half, and remove the stones from the peaches. When the syrup comes to a boil, put in enough peaches to fill your jar, whatever the size. Boil until tender enough to pierce with a wisp. Take the fruit out carefully with a spoon and place in the jar. Fill the jar with the boiling syrup, being careful always to cant the jar as you pour it in. If you do this, the jar will never crack, as it is likely to do if held perfectly straight or upright. Always run around the inside of the jar with a silver knife, and you will have no trouble in keeping fruit. Seal while hot. The peaches may be canned whole, if preferred.

Pickled Peaches

4 Pounds of Sugar 1 Tablespoonful of All-
1 Pint of Vinegar spice
1 Tablespoonful of Cloves Stick of Cinnamon

Boil the ingredients together for ten minutes be-