Page:Gurney - Things Mother Used to Make.djvu/88

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Way to Pickle Pears

1 Pint of Vinegar ½ Tablespoonful of whole
3 Pounds of Sugar Allspice
6 Pounds of Pears 1 Tablespoonful of whole
½ Tablespoonful of Cin- Cloves

Boil pears until tender. Boil vinegar, sugar, and spices together fifteen minutes, then put in the boiled pears, and cook all together half an hour. These will be nicer if sealed in glass jars.

To Preserve Pineapple

Peel the pineapple, remove the eyes and cut into small cubes. Weigh, and take three-fourths of a pound of sugar to one pound of fruit. Allow one cupful of water for each jar, and cook all together slowly until tender. Fill the jars. This is very nice for ice-cream or sherbet.

Quince Jelly

Pare, core, and quarter the fruit, and boil in water enough to cover. When soft, take out the fruit and strain the syrup through a flannel bag, then return the syrup to the kettle and boil until perfectly clear, skimming constantly. Measure syrup, adding an equal quantity of sugar, and boil twenty minutes, removing the scum which rises to the sur-