Page:Guy Boothby - The Beautiful White Devil.djvu/265

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possibly telegraph to the Olympic, Manchester, and learn that Mr. Stragaus has booked a season there for his new play. That will put them off the scent completely."

"And what are we to do now?"

"Well, now, you had better come to breakfast with me, I think, at my lodgings. You can there resume your own everyday appearance. During the morning I am going to meet two men I have in my mind for the policemen; after that I shall visit a tailor's shop and order the uniforms as arranged. In the afternoon I'm going to hunt for a house."

"Can I do anything else to help you?"

"Not just at present. Unless you can find me a trustworthy lady who will consent to masquerade for a little while as a hospital nurse?"

"There I think I can help you. My sister Janet, I'm sure, would gladly do so. I'll call upon her this afternoon and see."

I did so, and of course secured Janet's immediate promise of co-operation.