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———You have fed upon my seignories,
Disparked my parks, and felled my forest woods.
From mine own windows torn my household coat,
Razed out my impress, leaving me no sign,
Save men's opinions and my living blood,
To show the world I am a gentleman.

When the boat which carried the worthy Captain on board his vessel had accomplished that task, the sails began to ascend, and the ship was got under way. She fired three guns as a salute to the house of Ellangowan, and then shot away rapidly before the wind, which blew off shore, under all the sail she could crowd.

"Aye, aye," said the Laird, who had sought Mannering for some time, and now joined him, "there they go—there go the free-traders—there goes Captain Dirk Hatteraick, and the Yungfrauw Ha-