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quite pale. On the stairs he caught Diederich by the sleeve. Jadassohn had remained behind, and the screams of the maid could be heard. There was already a ring at the door.

"My dear Doctor," whispered the Mayor, "I hope you have not misunderstood me. In everything we discussed I have, of course, only the interests of the town at heart. It goes without saying that I have no intention of undertaking anything in which I am not sure of the support of the organisations of which I have the honour to be the chief."

He blinked earnestly, but before Diederich had collected his thoughts, the ladies were entering the house, and the Mayor released his arm to hasten to meet them. His wife, who was dried up and wrinkled with care, had scarcely time to greet the gentlemen. She had to separate the children who were fighting. Her mother was a head taller and still youthful looking, and she looked sternly at the flushed faces of the luncheon guests. Then, with Juno-like majesty, she descended upon the Mayor who grew visibly smaller. … Assessor Jadassohn had already disappeared. Diederich made formal bows which were not returned and hastened away. He felt uncomfortable and looked uneasily about him in the street. He was not listening to what Jadassohn said and suddenly he turned back. He had to ring loudly several times, for there was a great deal of noise inside. The family was still standing at the foot of the stairs, where the children were pushing one another and screaming. A discussion was in progress. The Mayoress wanted her husband to take some action against a headmaster who had mishandled her son. His mother-in-law, on the contrary, was insisting that the master should be promoted because his wife had the greatest influence on the committee of the Bethlehem Asylum for fallen girls. The Mayor entreated them in turn with his hands. At last, he got a word in.

"On the one hand.…"

At this point Diederich had seized him by the arm. With