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rich opened the door of the packing-room and allowed Guste to enter. "That fellow is a Social Democrat!" he declared. "A chap like that is capable of setting fire to this place. But I will not dismiss him, just for that reason! Well see who is the stronger. I'll attend to the Social Democrats!" Guste gazed at him admiringly, as he continued: "I am sure you would never have guessed what dangerous posts people like myself must hold. Fearless and true is my motto. You see how I am defending our most sacred national possessions just like the Emperor. That requires more courage than making fine speeches in court."

Guste admitted it and her expression became thoughtful. "It is cooler here," she remarked, "after coming out of that inferno next door. The women in here should consider themselves lucky." "They?" queried Diederich. "They couldn't be better off! " He led Guste up to the table. One of the women was sorting the sheets, another checked them, and a third counted them up to five hundred. It was all done with incredible speed. The sheets flew one after another uninterruptedly, as if of their own accord, and without resisting the busy hands, which seemed to merge into the endless stream of paper that passed over them. Hands and arms, the woman herself, eyes and brain and heart. All that had come into being and lived so that the sheets might fly.…

Guste yawned; while Diederich explained the culpable negligence of the women who were working together. He was about to intervene because they passed a sheet from which the corner was torn, when Guste said rather spitefully: "You needn't imagine that Kathchen Zillich cares particularly for you … at least no more than for certain other people," she added. And her only reply to his bewildered question as to what she meant was to give a meaning smile. "But you must tell me," he repeated. Whereupon Guste assumed a most friendly air. "I am speaking only for your own good. I sup pose you haven't noticed anything? For instance, with Herr