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screamed Kühnchen. As a matter of fact, who did he think believed that he was not fully acquainted with this new scandal connected with his family? Was he not aware of the offences of the Lauer household? And yet he did not hesitate to wash the dirty linen of his sister and his brother-in-law in open court, simply in order to get talked about. Dr. Heuteufel, who was still driven to try and justify belatedly his own attitude during the trial, declared: "That man is no advocate, he is simply a comedian!" When Diederich raised the point that Buck, after all, had definite, if arguable, views in politics and morals he was told: "You, Dr. Hessling, are his friend. That you should defend him is to your credit, but you cannot teach us." Whereupon Diederich retired, with a worried look, but not without a glance at the editor, Rothgroschen, who was modestly chewing a ham sandwich and taking everything in.

All of a sudden there was dead silence, for in the room near the stage old Herr Buck could be seen surrounded by a group of young girls. Apparently he was explaining the paintings on the walls, the life of former times, whose faded gaiety enveloped the whole room; and the area of the city as it used to be, with meadows and gardens now no more, and all the people who once were the noisy masters of this festive house, and were now banished into the depths of Beyond by the generation which was at this moment so clamorous. … Now it seemed as if the old man and the girls were imitating the figures. Just above them was a picture of the city gate, and a gentleman in his wig and chain of office was coming out, the same who stood in marble at the head of the stairs. In the lovely wood full of flowers, which had stood where the Gausenfeld paper factory now was, bright children were dancing towards him, throwing a wreath about him, with which they tried to turn him round. The reflection of rosy little clouds fell upon his happy face. Just so happily old Buck was smiling at that moment, as he let himself be dragged