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pale and unbending, in a red hussar's uniform, with his hand on his hip, his moustaches curling up to his eyes, who glared coldly over his shoulder! Diederich was trembling and nearly choked himself with his tea. Herr von Brietzen had to clap him on the back.

Now a lady who had previously done nothing but eat was going to sing. The guests drew together in the music room. Diederich stood at the door and was glancing surreptitiously at his watch when the Governor's wife gave a little cough behind him. "I know, my dear Dr. Hessling, that you cannot sacrifice your valuable time on our frivolous, our all-too-frivolous conversation. My husband is expecting you, come along." With her finger to her lips she preceded him along a passage and through an empty ante-room. She knocked very gently. As there was no reply, she looked anxiously at Diederich, who also felt uncomfortable. "Otto, dearest," she cried, nestling tenderly against the closed door. After they had listened for a while the terrible bass voice was heard inside. "Dearest Otto is not here! Tell those idiots to drink their tea slop without him!"—"He is so dreadfully busy," whispered Frau von Wulckow, turning a little paler. "His health is being undermined by the subversive elements. … Now, unfortunately, I must return to my guests, but the servant will announce you." And she disappeared. Diederich waited in vain many long minutes for the servant. Then the dog came along, went past Diederich full of immense contempt and scratched at the door. Immediately the voice within shouted: "Schnaps, come in here!"—Whereupon the great beast raised the latch. As it forgot to shut the door again Diederich took the liberty of creeping in behind the dog. Herr von Wulckow was sitting at his writing table, in a cloud of smoke, with his enormous back turned towards the intruder.

"Good day, sir," saicfr Diederich, with an awkward bow. "Hello, have you learnt to babble, too, Schnaps?" asked