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too much money." Herr Göppel laughed, but his eyes were full of anxiety as he said: "I can do more than that. …"

"It doesn't matter," said Diederich in a tone of dignified refusal.

Göppel became more and more bewildered.

"Well, then, what do you really want?"

"I? Nothing. I thought you wanted something, since you have called on me."

Göppel pulled himself together. "That won't do, my dear Hessling, after what has happened, especially as it has gone on for so long."

Diederich looked at the father up and down, and the corner of his mouth curled. "So, you knew about it, did you?"

"I was not certain," murmured Göppel. With great condescension Diederich retorted: "That would have been rather remarkable."

"I had every confidence in my daughter."

"That's where you were mistaken," said Diederich, determined to use every weapon in self-defence. Göppel's forehead flushed. "I also had confidence in you."

"In other words, you thought I was naive." Diederich stuck his hands in his trousers' pocket and leant back.

"No!" Göppel jumped up. "But I did not take you for the dirty cad that you are!"

Diederich stood up with an air of formal restraint. "Do you challenge me to a duel?" he asked. Göppel shouted, "No doubt that is what you'd like! To seduce the daughter and shoot the father. Then your honour would be satisfied."

"You understand nothing about honour." Diederich, in his turn became excited, "I did not seduce your daughter. I did what she wanted, and then I could not get rid of her. In this she takes after you." With great indignation: "How do I know that you were not in league with her from the beginning? This is a trap!"

Göppel's face looked as if he were going to shout still louder.