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Tong, Tai Po and Sai Kung. Revenue comes from charging commission on the proceeds of sales and fees for using the market facilities. Surplus earnings are channelled back into the industry through the provision of low-interest loans to fishermen, improved services and facilities in the markets and scholarships for fishermen and their children. It also helps promote the marketing of the local fisheries products through its marketing network and participation in trade fairs and exhibitions.

The ban on trawling in Hong Kong waters has come into effect on December 31, 2012 to restore our seabed and the depleted fisheries resources. To alleviate the impact of the ban on the livelihood of trawler fishermen, the Government has introduced a one-off assistance package to eligible trawler fishermen. AFCD also introduced a special training programme to the affected trawler fishermen and local deckhands with a view to equipping them with the skill and knowledge for switching to other sustainable fishing operations. Affected fishermen may also apply to the Fisheries Development Loan Fund for low interest loans for the purpose.

To complement the trawl ban and bring local fisheries industry back to a sustainable path, the Government implemented other fisheries management measures through legislative amendments to the Fisheries Protection Ordinance. These measures include: (1) setting up a registration system for local fishing vessels; (2) limiting new entrants to control the number of fishing vessels and fishing effort; (3) restricting fishing activities of non-fishing vessels and prohibiting fishing activities of non-local fishing vessels; and (4) designating fisheries protection areas.

Published by the Information Services Department,
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government
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Information contained in this publication may be freely used.
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Agriculture, Fisheries & Conservation Department Home Page address:
February 2015