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Comparative Statement of the British Export Trade at the Three undermentioned Ports in China, during the Years 1851 and 1852.
Name of Port. 1851. 1852. Increase in 1852. Decrease in 1852.
No. of Vessels. Tonnage. Value in Dollars. No. of Vessels. Tonnage. Value in Dollars. No. of Vessels. Tonnage. Value in Dollars. No. of Vessels. Tonnage. Value in Dollars.
Canton, 233 103,534 13,210,312 223 121,651 6,596,272 18,117 10 6,614,040
Amoy, 48 12,510 261,040 87 32,818 250,050 39 20,308 10,990
Shanghae, 94 36,625 10,402,760 102 34,383 9,018,294 8 2,242 1,384,406
Total, 375 152,669 23,874,112 412 188,852 15,864,616 47 38,425 10 2,242 8,009,496


No. of Vessels.


Value in Dollars.

1851, 375
1852, 412
Net Increase in 1852, 37
Net Decrease in 1852,

8,009,496 or at 4s. 9d. —£1,902,255.6.0.

W. H. Medhurst.

Superintendency of Trade, Hongkong, 9th August, 1853.

Printed and Published by Robert Strachan, at the Hongkong Register Office, Queen's Road, Victoria, Hongkong.