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The Hongkong Government Gazette.

to be sold on Monday the Ninth day of July, 1855, the sale to commence at 3 o'clock in the afternoon.

The following descriptive statement of the Lots to be offered at the Sale is published for general information.

W. T. Mercer,
Colonial Secretary.

Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria,
Hongkong, 30th June, 1855.

Schedule of Lots of Land proposed to be sold by Public Auction on Monday, the 9th July, 1855.
Order of Sale. Locality. Boundary Measurement. Content in Square feet. Fixed Annual Rent.
N. S. E. W.
1 N. of Hospital Hill. 50 50 50 50 2,500 £916
2 {{{1}}} 50 50 50 50 2,500 916
3 {{{1}}} 50 50 50 50 2,500 916
4 {{{1}}} 50 50 50 50 2,500 916
5 {{{1}}} (illegible text) (illegible text) 50 50 3,425 1286
6 {{{1}}} 50 50 50 50 2,500 916
7 {{{1}}} 50 50 50 50 2,500 916
8 {{{1}}} 50 50 50 50 2,500 916
9 {{{1}}} 50 50 50 50 2,500 916
10 {{{1}}} 50 50 50 50 2,500 916
11 {{{1}}} 50 50 50 50 2,500 916
12 {{{1}}} 50 50 50 50 2,500 916
13 {{{1}}} 50 50 50 50 2,500 916

William Cowper,
Assistant Surveyor, for the Surveyor General.

No. 4.

Government Notification.

His Excellency The Governor has received a Despatch from The Principal Secretary of State for the Colonies, calling his attention to the great importance which Her Majesty's Government attaches to the acquirement of (illegible text) Chinese Language by all Functionaries in the Public Service in this Colony: and His Excellency is instructed to (illegible text) that in claims for promotion, a knowledge of Chinese (illegible text) be considered as a recommendation to the favourable consideration of the Authorities.

By Order,

W. T. Mercer,
Colonial Secretary.

Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria,
Hongkong, 2d July, 1855.

No. 5.

Government Notification.

Whereas it has been represented by the Imperial Authorities at Shanghae to His Excellency the Governor and Commander-in-Chief, that Chinese Subjects, not having lawful business in that port or neighbourhood, are conveyed thither in considerable numbers by Vessels from this Colony, for the purpose of creating disturbances (illegible text) troubling the public peace: It is hereby recommended (illegible text) parties who shall convey Chinamen to any Northern (illegible text) to exercise due caution, and institute due enquiry into (illegible text) character and objects of the individuals who apply (illegible text) Passages, so that no umbrage may be given to the Chinese Authorities, and no risk incurred by the Vessels taking onboard such Chinamen as Passengers.

By Order,

W. T. Mercer,
Colonial Secretary.

Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria,
Hongkong, 6th July, 1855.

Public Auction.

The undersigned have received instructions to dispose of by Public auction, on Thursday, the 12th instant, at their Sale Rooms, Queen's Road, at 11 o'clock a.m., for the benefit of the concerned,—

SS Nos. 30, 64, 68, and 78,—4 Chests of New Patna; and
SS Nos. 35, 37, and 85,—3 Chests of benares.

ex "Cowasjee Family."

Terms of Sale,—Cash before delivery, in Mexican Dollars, weighted at 7.1.7.

Smith & Brimelow,

Hongkong, 7th July, 1855.

Smith & Brimelow,
Ship Chandlers,

Wholesale and Retail Wine and Spirit Merchants, Auctioneers, and Commission Agents,

Nos. 1 & 2 Woosnam's Buildings,

Have always on hand an Assortment of ship chandlery stores of every kind.


An extensive and well-selected supply of wines, beer, and spirits, Liqueurs, cordials, &c., of a superior description.

Oilman's stores from a well known house of Copeland, Barnes & Co.; also, stores per Overland Mail Steamers Monthly for domestic purposes.

Hongkong, 7th July 1855.

Per P. & O. Steamer "Ganges."

Overland hams, cheese, muscatel raisins, maraschino and curacao.

Smith & Brimelow.

Nos. 1 & 2 Woosnam's Buildings,
Hongkong, 7th July, 1855.

Just Received.

An Invoice of cutlery, electro-plated-ware, nickel-silver, Britannia Metal teapots, stone jugs, Dram or Pocket flasks, and Carpenters' tools.

Smith & Brimelow.

Hongkong, 7th July, 1855.


Mr James Crampton is authorized to sign our Firm per procuration from this date.

Hanbury. & Co.

Shanghae, 10th May, 1855.

Steam for

Singapore, Penang, Point de Galle, Aden, Suez, Malta, Marseilles, & Southampton;


Bombay, Madras, & Calcutta.

The Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Company's Steam-ship Ganges, Captain Bowen, with Her Majesty's Mails, Passengers, Specie, and Cargo for the above Places, will leave this Tuesday, the 10th July, at 2 p.m.

Cargo will received on board until 5 p.m. on the 8th, specie until Noon on the 9th, and parcels until 2 p.m. on the 9th.

For Particulars regarding Freight and Passage, apply at the Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Company's Office, Hongkong.

Contents, and value of packages, are required.

A Written Declaration of the Contents and Value of the Packages for the Overland Route is required by the Egyptian Government, and must be delivered by the Shipper to the Company's Agents with the Bills of Lading or with Parcels; and the Company do not hold themselves responsible for any Detention or Prejudice which may happen from incorrectness in such declaration.

Robert S. Walker,

Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Company's Office,
Hongkong, 28th June, 1855.


We have established Mr William Hammond Foster, Jr., in Hongkong, as Agent for our Houses in Canton, Shanghae, and Foochow; and all Business to his address comes under our control and guarantee.

Russell & Co.

Canton, 1st July, 1855.

To Let.

A Large and Commodious House, at the corner of D'Aguilar and Wellington Streets, with extensive Godown and Out-houses. Entrance may be had immediately. For particulars, apply to

D. Lapraik.

Hongkong, 21st June, 1855.


By Order of the Consular Department of the Foreign Office at Copenhagen, it is hereby notified, that Applications to fill the Vacant Appointment of the Office of Danish Consul at Hongkong, will be received by said Department (illegible text) 15th October, 1855.

Fred H. Block
Acting Danish Consul


Mr Thomas D. Boyd is authorised to (illegible text) our Firm.

F. D. Syme & Co.

Amoy, 12th May, 1855.


Mr K. Newbolt, Surgeon Dentist, has just returned from London and Paris, (illegible text) all the latest Improvements in supplying Artifical Mineral, and in stopping Decayed, teeth, (illegible text) be consulted, personally or by letter, at Mr (illegible text) Lapraik's.

Hongkong, 29th June, 1855.


Shippers of Goods to California, during (illegible text) Years 1848, 1849, and 1850, may (illegible text) something to their advantage by calling upon (illegible text) undersigned.

Wm. Pustau & Co.

Hongkong, 7th September, 1854.

For Sale,

just landed ex Faithful.

An Invoice of Crosse & Blackwell's Oilman Stores, consisting of,—

Pickles, Sauces, Jams and Jellies, (illegible text) Capers, Potted Meats, Soyer's Relish, (illegible text) Oil, Mustard, Tart-fruits, Maccaroni, Vermicelli, Dried Herbs, Yarmouth Bloaters, Sardines, Wiltshire Bacon, Fresh Salmon, Preserved Meats, Berkley Cheese in Tins, York Hams, (illegible text) Plums, &c., &c.

De Silver & Co.

Hongkong, 9th June, 1855.

Printed at the Office of the China Mail, Hongkong. Price, 6$ per Annum.

Terms for Advertisements,—Five Lines and under (illegible text) Dollar, each additional Line Twenty CentsOne half of these charges for each Repetition.